Mary Jo Harris
Library Facilitator
Username: Student ID#
Password: Last Name
The following are direct links to all SJSD library databases. Databases are accessible without a password while on the SJSD network. EBSCO HOST and Heritage Quest are accessible at home, with passwords provided through your school library.
Classroom Video On Demand (Central High School Only)
A comprehensive streaming video service featuring unlimited access to more than 5,000 educational programs that can be viewed in class, at the library, or from home. Each full-length video has been segmented into predefined clips, making it easy to find specific pieces of content quickly. Videos span the following core subject areas: Science and Mathematics; Social Studies; Literature and Language Arts; Health and Nutrition; Business and Economics; Visual and Performing Arts.
Digital Literacy
Empower learners with digital citizenship skills to navigate today’s virtual landscape. Interactive activities guide students through project-based learning activities using digital tools to create podcasts, multimedia presentations, social media campaigns, and more. Database articles explore cyberbullying, digital research skills, citizen journalism, and more. Digital Literacy will give your students and patrons the skills to be savvy digital citizens!
eBook Public Library Collection
With a collection of over 33,000 titles chosen specifically for public libraries, this general reference collection features fiction and non-fiction titles for both adults and juveniles, as well as best-selling and highly-recommended titles from industry leading publishers. A wide range of subjects and topics are covered to meet various patron research needs, including substantial offerings in Self-Help, Health & Fitness, Games, Crafts & Hobbies, Medical, Cooking and Religion. This collection also features titles on Recreation and Leisure, Geography, Commerce, Finance, The Family, Marriage, Women, Folklore, Social and Public Welfare, and Home Economics.
The EBSCOhost interface provides access to a range of databases, e-journals and e- books. The databases are particularly useful for identifying journal articles and other publications on a particular topic within the subject areas covered by each database.
Explora - Elementary School
This interface is designed specifically for elementary school students according to their needs and search abilities. This interface is graphically rich and provides access to age-appropriate materials. Now includes topic overviews that provide students with a starting point for research and 60,000 top videos from the Associated Press. Databases Searched: Book Collection Nonfiction: Elementary School Edition, Primary Search, Topic Overviews K-5
Explora - Middle School
This interface is designed specifically for middle school students according to their needs and search abilities. This interface is graphically rich and provides access to age-appropriate materials. Now includes topic overviews that provide students with a starting point for research and 60,000 top videos from the Associated Press. Databases Searched: Book Collection Nonfiction: Middle School Edition, Middle Search Plus Topic Overviews 6-12, Science Reference Center, Newspaper Source
Explora - High School
This interface is designed specifically for high school students according to their needs and search abilities. This interface is graphically rich and provides access to age-appropriate materials. Now includes topic overviews that provide students with a starting point for research and 60,000 top videos from the Associated Press. Databases Searched: Book Collection Nonfiction: High School Edition, Book Collection Nonfiction: Middle School Edition, MAS Ultra - School Edition, Newspaper Source, Science Reference Center, Topic Overviews 6-12, eBook Public Library Collection, Consumer Health Complete, Middle Search Plus
Explora - General Research and Public Library
EBSCO's dedicated research experience for schools and public libraries! Based on extensive user research and customer feedback, EBSCO redesigned the Explora search interface to offer library users a more modern and efficient search experience across all devices. The new design makes it easier for students, educators and patrons to quickly find the credible information they need to complete homework and research projects, deliver robust school curriculum, achieve their professional goals, satisfy their intellectual curiosity. In addition to a more intuitive and user-friendly design, Explora offers a carefully curated list of topic areas to provide users with a visual entry point to browse popular research topics and subject areas. EBSCO's proprietary Topic Overview collections connect users to related content and concepts.
Financial Literacy
The Rosen Financial Literacy database makes economics and personal finance easy to understand and highly engaging. Articles explore macro-, micro-, and global economics as well as personal and household finance. Users will learn to manage credit and debt, save and invest with confidence, plan for college and retirement and avoid fraud and scams. Financial Literacy is an online economics and personal finance resource specifically designed for students in grades 7–12, but can easily benefit adults.
Gale In Context (Central Students Only)
Explore thousands of topics across subjects including literature, science, history, and social issues using different sources.
Gale Virtual Reference Library
This database consists of ten reference ebooks available to all SJSD users on a variety of topics in English, history, science, and medicine.
CHS Gale (Central Students Only)
Explore this database of encyclopedias and reference sources within the Gale eBooks platform. For multidisciplinary research.
HeritageQuest Online
HeritageQuest® Online is a comprehensive treasury of American genealogical sources—rich in unique primary sources, local and family histories, and finding aids. Discover the amazing history of you with HeritageQuest Online. It delivers an essential collection of genealogical and historical sources—with coverage dating back to the 1700s—that can help people find their ancestors and discover a place's past.
Learning Express Library
Whatever your goal, LearningExpress Library's resources will help you succeed. Each of its Learning Centers offers the practice tests, exercises, skill-building courses, eBooks, and information you need to achieve the results you want—at school, at work, or in life. Looking to land a job? You'll find an entire Learning Center dedicated to helping you get the one that's right for you.
Read It! is designed for middle and high school students and adults who have a basic foundation in English grammar and reading but need adapted reading material for a variety of subjects. It offers resources to help build background knowledge, conduct research and improve study skills.
Science Reference Source
Available via EBSCOhost, Science Reference Source allows users to conduct keyword searches or browse topics by branch of science. In addition to full-text periodicals, books, biographies and essays, it includes: more than 1,850 science videos from top educational publishers including Boclips, Media4Math and Nature Picture Library, thousands of high-quality science images from UPI, Getty, NASA and Nature Picture Library.
Search MoreNet
Contains a variety of full-text magazines, newspapers and journals and reference materials to support the education and research needs of Missouri citizens. This information is from reliable sources that provide accurate information. With the database, students can: find help with a school project; research a new purchase in Consumer Reports; study for the ACT, SAT, etc.; job search or research a company; find images, multimedia, etc.
SIRS Issues Researcher (Central High School Only)
SIRS Issues Researcher is a portal to relevant, best-of content information designed to support student research, study, and homework in key curricula subjects. Search many SIRS resources at once or link to one SIRS collection. Every article, primary source, website, and graphic has been carefully reviewed to ensure its relevancy, credibility, curricular applicability, standards alignment, and appropriateness to students.
Teacher Reference Center Ebsco
A complimentary research database for teachers, Teacher Reference Center (TRC) provides indexing and abstracts for more than 230 peer-reviewed journals. Subjects include: assessment, best practices, continuing education, current pedagogical research, curriculum development, elementary education, higher education, instructional media, language arts, literacy standards, school administration, science and mathematics, teacher education.
Teen Health and Wellness
This award-winning resource provides middle and high school students with up-to-date, nonjudgmental, self-help support. Articles are correlated to state, national and provincial standards. Topics covered include diseases, drugs, alcohol, nutrition, mental health, suicide, bullying and LGBTQ+ information. It has recently been updated to meet the needs of today’s teens and with new content on bullying, suicide, vaping, opioid abuse, gender identity, school safety, sexual harassment, COVID-19 and more.
This is Who We Were - In the 1920s (Central High School Only)
This is Who We Were: In the 1920s explores American life in the 1920s. This new series is sure to be of value as both a serious research tool for students of American history as well as an intriguing climb up America's family tree. The richly illustrated text provides an interesting way to study a truly unique time in American history.
WorldCat is a global catalog of library materials. You can search for books, music, video, articles and much more at libraries near you.
World News Digest (Central High School Only)
For more than 75 years World News Digest has been a go-to resource for context and background on key issues of both historical events and breaking news. With more than 300,000 original articles and a vast archive covering every major event since its inception, this database offers concise summaries of current events and clearly written essays on the top issues of the day.
Axis360 is brought to you by the Grand River Digital Library, a consortium of public libraries in northern Missouri working together to bring you access to popular e-books and e-audio.
EBSCO eBooks
With a collection of over 33,000 titles chosen specifically for public libraries, this general reference collection features fiction and non-fiction titles for both adults and juveniles, as well as best-selling and highly-recommended titles from industry leading publishers. A wide range of subjects and topics are covered to meet various patron research needs, including substantial offerings in Self-Help, Health & Fitness, Games, Crafts & Hobbies, Medical, Cooking and Religion. This collection also features titles on Recreation and Leisure, Geography, Commerce, Finance, The Family, Marriage, Women, Folklore, Social and Public Welfare, and Home Economics.
Follett Shelf
Follett Shelf can be used to find eBooks purchased by the Saint Joseph School District. In order to access these books you will use the following for user name and password:
Username: sjsd
Password: sjsd
Follett Shelf eBooks for Central
Username: central
Password: central
Gale Virtual Reference Library
This database consists of ten reference ebooks available to all SJSD users on a variety of topics in English, history, science, and medicine.
Use Hoopla to access ebooks and Audiobooks with your Rolling Hills Consolidated Library card.
LibriVox offers audiobooks that are in the "free public domain." This means you will find many classics here. You don't need a user name or other special information in order to use this site!
Missouri Libraries 2 Go
The Missouri Library online offers both eBooks and Audiobooks that be read on your electronic devices. In order to check books out from this site you will need to have a library card from the St. Joseph Public Library or the Rolling Hills Consolidated Library.
Project Gutenberg
Project Gutenberg offers over 40,000 free eBooks: choose among free epub books, free kindle books, download them or read them online.
Rolling Hills Library e-Card
Rolling Hills Library offers e-cards to anyone who does not have an existing account. With an e-card you have access to ebooks, audiobooks, and music. Sign up is quick and easy!
Sora eBooks
Open a world of reading. Try Sora, the new reading app for students, by OverDrive.
*Instructions to view all Sora eBooks: Go to the link above and select St. Joseph School District. Sign in using St. Joseph School District. Sign in using your Microsoft login. Under Explore in the upper left corner, choose Missouri Libraries 2Go. If Missouri Libraries 2 Go is not an option, click "Add a Library". Enter your zip code and St. Joseph Public Library/Missouri Library 2 Go.
When you choose a book, select Borrow and scroll to St. Joseph Public Schools and sign in with your Microsoft credentials.
Once you are finished with the book, choose Options and Return.
Citation Resources
Parent/Guardian Access to Library Records
Parents have the ability to receive daily email notifications regarding the materials their child has checked out of the school library. Parents wishing to receive these daily emails should contact their child’s school to activate this feature. Additionally, restrictions may be placed on a student’s library account at the request of the parent/guardian.